Friday, May 27, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


 Come and enjoy a lunch or dinner at RUBIO'S on Sunday June 5th to help be part of a fundraiser for my Kenya Missions Trip. 
20% of your transactions go towards my Kenya trip. 


Thank you for your support!!!

WHEN: June 5th

TIME: 11 am to 9:00 pm  

 1297 E. Ontario Avenue. Corona, CA 92881



Monday, May 23, 2011

Dear Family and Friends...

First and for most, I would like to take this moment to THANK EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU who sponsored me.  Your sponsorship not only gave me an incredible opportunity, but it also helped over 1,300 children in various ways! From medicine, and food baskets, to games, each dollar and prayer was a huge part of this experience for the people we come in contact with.

Going to Kenya for the past few times (2 years with missions & a Christmas vacation to visit my sister), it always feels so good to be back. A piece of my heart will always stay in Kenya and when I am there I feel completely at home, and filled with joy. My heart continues to grow bigger and bigger for Kenya. I am so excited to return back to Kenya in July.

While in Kenya our church team holds a Vacation Bible School where children hear Bible stories, sing songs, and are joined in fun activities they would otherwise not be able to participate in.  Last year I was blessed to be a leader for the crafts area at the different schools we did VBS at in Kenya. This year I am planning and leading the entire VBS, which I am so blessed and excited to be apart of.

In 2009 was when I first met my sponsored child Felix, which was the most incredible moment ever. The part of going to Kenya I anticipate the most is seeing him again. He didn’t know I was returning last year, so when our team arrived at his school, all the children were singing for us. I was looking around for him and at that moment we made eye contact. At first he had a shocked look, as if he couldn’t believe it was me. Then his smile just blew up and he started singing louder and dancing more while jumping up and down. It was a precious and very special moment we both shared. The 3 days we did Vacation Bible School I just loved spending time with him. I visited with his mother and it is such a blessing that she speaks very good English.  She shared with me that Felix has a new baby sister, Faith. 
 Her birthday was on April 1st
That was the biggest surprise ever, I even got to hold her. His mother also told me that Felix always asks about me. He has all the pictures I sent him of us where he sleeps, and cherishes them very much. That was so touching to my heart, and all I could do was smile in happiness. The last day I was with Felix, I was able to give him some gifts I had brought for him.  He loved and cherished them all. The translator that was with Felix and I was a blessing. Felix would tell her things to tell me. One of the statements Felix told her to tell me touched my heart. He said this, “ Please tell Jessica to save her money to come see me next year.” My heart melted when she told me this, as I looked down at Felix with his big eyes looking into mine, trying not to cry, I told him, “If God allows me to return I will.” I love this little boy so very much, as if he were my own son. We are so close in each other’s hearts, but yet so far in distance but that does not matter because the love we have for Jesus Christ is unfailing. This is what binds us.

Not only do we have the opportunity to provide a Vacation Bible School for hundreds of children, but we also go into the worst slums in Kenya and share about Jesus Christ and bring light into their homes. This is another opportunity where we are able to be Jesus’ hands and feet.

Thank you for supporting me and allowing me to share and experience Jesus in Kenya. God has called me to be a part of Kenya, my heart and passion is out there. In the Bible God tells us all to go out and make disciples of all nations, Matthew 28:19. I have really grabbed a hold of that verse and wanting to be obedient to the Lord, I am acting on it. I left my family, friends & loved ones and where I am most comfortable, to go out into a third world country and share the love of Jesus Christ and love on all the children. I am blessed that God gave me the most incredible gift ever, and that is serving and loving others in Kenya.

I continue to feel called to be a short-term missionary, and I look forward to serving in Kenya this next year and for years to follow. I will continue to need your support and prayers. In ministering in Kenya in these ways is something you would like to continue partnering with me in, either in prayer or financially or in any different way, please contact me. I would love to discuss my next trip with you. 

My team and I will be leaving on July 21st – August 3rd.

“We love because He first loved us.” 1 John 1:9

Love & Blessings,
Jessica Luna